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Van zondag 8 tot zondag 15 maart gaat de 78e editie van deze meerdaagse wielerwedstrijd van start. In acht etappes worden de ronderenners serieus getest in aanloop naar het klassieke voorjaar.

Op Koers naar de Zon

at the threshold of Spring
a new season unfolds
a bell that tolls since early time
an aim is set for the Mediterranean
adrift towards the Sun
cities upon villages traversing
landscapes of variety
silently awaiting
the sound of March
wheels make, rolling on tarmac

one Game, eight chances
a flat appearance in the run
hills to come, unseen by the Sun
to be found miles away, until
reward is given in paradise blue

specialist, all-rounder
being present in this exhibition
going the distance, north to south
the mileage appeals to fitness
an epic ride of utmost intention

through stages of sheer heroism
the eye of the Beholder
is stung by his ancient history
by vision of illuminated fame
riders’ display the making of

the threshold of the Promenade
the end becoming, the declaration
Spring is opened
with a Mediterranean prize
of A Race To The Sun


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